From ISP:
The new ISP Technologies Theta Pro DSP™ is a Floor controlled guitar system with a fully programmable digital Theta preamp, Vintage preamp plus Studio quality effects processing. While the buzz for many years has been “Modeling”, ISP takes a departure from the modeling processors and hands the guitar player the audio clay. The truly PRO player wants their own sound and the Theta Pro DSP delivers, allowing you to shape your tone with limitless possibilities. The preamp section delivers more tone shaping and gain flexibility than any other processor available. Don’t settle for bass mid and treble when you can have the world of Theta. The ISP engineering team continues a DSP legacy with the original designers of the Intellifex®, Chameleon®, Voodoo Valve® and Prophesy® working to make the Theta Pro DSP the ultimate guitar DSP processor. The Theta Pro is based on ISP Technologies new DSP platform using a 32 bit floating point processor and the latest generation of high quality audio converters. Using novel stacked converters the input noise floor feeding the digital domain exceeds over 124db. This amazing input dynamic range combined with over 1500db internal DSP dynamic range, due to the floating point architecture, and ISP’s proprietary oversampled clipping algorithm, make the Theta Pro the only digital domain preamp that can offer massive amounts of usable gain (more than any DSP processor available) without aliasing or noise. The ThetaPro allows preamp adjustment of tone, gain, saturation and dynamic modulation in the form of “SAG” to emulate the dynamic aspects of vintage tube amplifiers, which provides the actual feel of vintage guitar amps with tube rectifiers. The Theta Pro DSP is not only the best high gain digital preamp, but also offers stunning performance for any playing style from clean to jazz to blues to classic rock.
Specs:- Floor controlled Guitar Processing System with fully programmable THETA preamp and Vintage Preamp.
- 32 bit floating point processing with state of the art A/D and D/A converters providing 124db dynamic range between input and output and over 1500db internal dynamic range.
- Proprietary hyper-oversampled distortion algorithm provides higher gain than any other digital preamp with zero aliasing or digital artifacts.
- TRUE SPEAKER offers ISP’s convolved Speaker Samples for true “direct to mixer” live or recording realism.
- Patented Digital Decimator® for the absolute best real-time guitar noise reduction.
- Pre-distort and post Distort tone shaping with multiple band full parametric equalization.
- Studio quality effects processing with wha, compressor, multistage phaser, stereo flanger, four voice chorus, 1300ms delay and studio reverb.
- 224 user programmable presets for sound library storage.
- Song mode with 124 user programmable songs with 4 presets per song.
- Inputs for both Volume and Expression pedal